With more than 20 years of experience in the international agricultural spraying market, Market Agrícola is established in Peru as a supplier of spare parts and accessories for spraying and fumigation for the agricultural sector, offering a wide portfolio of the most prestigious brands in the world.
Similarly, Market Agrícola guarantees the after-sales service of the products it sells nationwide with the technical staff trained in the factories we represent, providing our customers with technical talks, permanent visits, repairs, maintenance and conditioning in their farms.
In Market Agrícola the service just begins with the sale!

To provide top quality products with an excellent service to our customers through an assertive, efficient and effective attention with a permanent after-sales service with the constant incorporation of technology that keep us at the forefront of the market, thus creating value and welfare to its employees and shareholders.

To be the national leader in the commercialization of spare parts and accessories for the agricultural producer, being recognized by its customers for the quality and technological updating of its products and for the efficient supply chain and technical service that supports its activities.

Our values